Friday, June 26, 2009

im baaaaaak!

ello world sorry its ben so long but ive been busy lately. recently ive taken to learning c++ wick is a universeal programing code and im enjoying it quite a bit ive writen sevwrel simple programs that do stuff like add 2 numbers or write the same phrase millions of times but im getting go0d fast im also playing around with lock picking wich i suck at but oh well im more likely to use programing skillz then b&e skillz speaking of crime my shwin was stolen today wich sucks because i just had it repared and lost the lock and my rents made me bike to the mall toget a haircut and leave my bike unlocked and now thare blaming me for it wich is ok cuz im not being punished for it and i dont care what they think.

imade 3 or 4 frends today i bumped into this guy at the mall i kinda knew and he neadad another member for this gatar hero champenship and now he wants to start a band and invited me but i dont think ill joun i have 0 musical talent so ill try to doge that some how...

i started writing a story for summer and it is intersting so far but i havent finshed yet for those of you intersted here it is:

The rain had been studly faling for weeks while the sky was a dismal gray, it was early in the morning when jerry the cat was gazing drowsally threw the storefront window at the drops falling into the large puddle in the street. His stare was interupped by the sudden ringing of the bell that had been tied to the door for many years. His hed flicked arround just in time to see a tall man enter the dusty shop. He had old leather shoes and pinstriped dresspants that were bearly visable under the long grey trench coat the man wore wich also looked wellused. The soggy jacket colar came up just enough for jerry to see the light beard that the man had neglected to shave for severel days. He was an older mad but not to the point that his thick curly hair had started to turn from black to gray. The man

thares more to it i just dont have access to it right now...

this is the video i took 0n my phon then i found a way to ger to the restricted area in the mall and some guy caught me so i had to book it out of thare sory thats bad quality and kinda boring...

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