Wednesday, June 3, 2009

day 2

today is the second day of my blog and today's subject is the greatest game of all time; poker.
for the few of you who don't poker is a card game ware you try to make the best 5 or3 card you can. there are many forms of poker 5 card draw, hold'em (some people call it Texas hold'em but it didn't actually come from Texas), 7 card stud, and 5 card stud. their id also Indian poker which doesn't actually fit the description of poker but just has poker in the name.
the hands of poker are as fallows:


Royal Flush
Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten from the same suit

Royal Flush - poker hand
Straight Flush
Five cards in consecutive order from the same suit
Straight Flush - poker hand
Four Of A Kind
Four cards from different suits of the same rank
4 Of A Kind - poker hand
Full House
Three of a kind and a pair
Full House - poker hand
Five cards of same suit
Flush - poker hand
Five cards in consecutive order, any combination of suits
Straight - poker hand
Three Of A Kind
Three cards from different suits displaying the same number or picture
3 Of A Kind - poker hand
Two Pair
Two groups of two cards showing the same number (or picture)
2 Pair - poker hand
One pair of identically ranked cards
Pair - poker hand
Nothing/High Card
Where there is non of the above are present the highest card of your hand is taken. (ranked highest to lowest A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2)
Nothing - poker hand

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