Monday, June 1, 2009

hey blog readers

Hi its still the first day of my blog and in excited that I found out that I can set up my blog with advertisements so that when people click on them I get paid its probably only get paid like 0.01 cents per click but please click for my sake...
"For only one click a day you can help a starving child (teenager) in Alaska survive (buy an xbox)"

OK so your all probably wondering whats up with the random comic its a strip I call getto box (no not ghetto box) it was a idea I got in my history class one day when I was really bored.I started writing this story based on a long running joke about a pen that brought things to life. This is the first complete strip I've written, no its nether the beginning nor the end and no their is no real plot. its just a nonsensical comic.

Today's made up word is a synonym for a loan shark: fadoshbag. To those who don't get it that's to bad its your own fault for not having an extensive vocabulary.

ALERT XBOX PLAYERS I'm thinking of buying a xbox 360 what type of I console
should get. ( this is at the top of my list)

NOTICE TO HEADPHONE ENTHUSIASTS I'm thinking of buying a pair of top of the line headphones what types of fetchers should I get or if theirs a Certain model I should get. (this is second on the list)

ATTENTION HAM RADIO/RF SCANNER "HOBBYISTS" I'm thinking of buying a RF scanner what types of fetchers should I get or if theirs a Certain model I should get.

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