Monday, June 1, 2009

i dont feal creative enough 2 think of a title right now

hello have fallen victim of my blog. I recently have been looking threw some of the Google blogs and have spotted some patterns in my quest for nonconformism i will attempt to avoid them. a good example is posting artsy photos to make other people think your better then them. just to let you know...your not.
That was a random place to start but I have to start somewhere. So no some info about me...i live in Alaska. Yes we have 24 hr. sun in the the summer and no we don't live in igloos. in actuality no one does they're like temporary tents. that out of the way I'm about 14-17 the reason I'm not exact is that I haven't got the guts to let someone preform a surgery to count the rings. i love to listen to music but then again who doesn't? the people who say they don't have some bazaar thirst to have no personalty, to be stamped by a blank template.
new paragraph hmmmm idk time to post...bye

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